How to Run a Relational Database(RDS) on AWS fresher tutorials
So your are in How to Run a Relational Database on AWS fresher tutorials. As you begin determining your database strategy on AWS, we recommend using Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). Amazon RDS makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale your database in the cloud.
1.Easy to Administer: Automate time-consuming tasks including, deployments, backup and recovery, encryption, resizing, and patching.
2.Highly Scalable: Scale your database's compute and storage resources with only a few mouse clicks or an API call.
3.Secure: Easily control network access, isolate your database instances, and connect to your existing IT infrastructure via encrypted IPsec VPN.
How many types of Amazon RDS Database Engines are there ?
Six familiar database engines, including Amazon Aurora (Amazon's fast and cost-effective, MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database), MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, and MariaDB.
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