
Showing posts with the label Service Marketing

MBA study material for Service Marketing

MBA(Management of Business Administration) study material for Service Marketing. Click on the below topic to study in detail Service Marketing concept service Promotion, strategies, Implementation Service marketing concept pricing strategies for services Service Marketing concept Creating value in a competitive market Service Marketing Concept market segmentation Service Marketing concept understanding service management Click on the above topics to study in detail For more MBA Subject materials, Academic projects click below topics Advertising and brand management Business laws Cost and Management System Financial Institutional Service Global HRM Knowledge Management Management of Industrial Relations Security  Analysis and Portfolio Management Service Marketing Strategic Management HR Projects Download for free Finance Projects Download for free MBA Projects Download here Click on the above topics to study in detail

Service Marketing concept service Promotion, strategies, Implementation

Promotion companies all the tools in the market mix who is major role is persuasive communication.                                                                              ___Philip. Kotler “ Promotion includes advantage personal selling, sales promotion & other tools. It includes every activity which inspires people to buy the goods & services of the company ” Meaning for service promotion:           The world promoting is direct from Latin word “promoter”. It means an attempt to shift the attention of people from one end of disinterest to other...

Service marketing concept pricing strategies for services

Price is nothing but cost + profit = price . Price is the medium for exchange of value between buyer and seller. It is an influencing factor in consumer decision making relates to a purchase. Objectives of pricing: ●       Increase the sales ●       To maximize the profits ●       To increase the market share ●       To satisfaction of consumer ●       To meet the competition Pricing methods: Variable cost Cost based pricing Fixed cost Demand based pricing Competition based pricing               skimming pricing Strategy based pricing                      penetration pricing Demand based pricing: ●       By customer ●    ...

Service Marketing concept Creating value in a competitive market

As the service revolution gather momentum more 4 more service business should discover new tool for techniques to cope with new challenges. When competing in a market place. Service firms have a wide range of alternatives available to it they. Competing for market share:           The service firm may for market share in one or many markets at the same time have expanding both the service offered and the segments served. Competing for reach:           The competition here focuses on the size of the area from which it can draw customers and how far customers will travel to use the service. Competing for geography:           It is an assumption that the service formula is easy to copy and being second to enter into market is a dis-advantage. The strategy is to sell intensively and spread out geography. Positioning a service in the marke...