
Showing posts with the label EEE Projects

what is active edge sensor how its mechanised

The active edge technology allows to reduce the insensitive area at the border of the sensor its mechanism is ion etched trench which avoids the crystal damage produced by the standard mechanical dicing process. Thin planar n-on-p pixel sensors with active edge have been designed and produced by LPNHE and FBK foundry. Two detector module prototypes, consisting of pixel sensors connected to FE-I4B readout chips, have been tested with beams at CERN and DESY . In this paper the performance of these modules are reported. In particular the lateral extension of the detection volume, beyond the pixel region, is investigated and the results show high hit efficiency also at the detector edge, even in presence of guard rings. Active Edge is included in google pixel phone for the first time in mobiles. Previously it was in other appliances. etc..ACs

Check with New EEE Projects 2018

EEE Project Ideas and Topics Project on solar tracking system for engineering Advances in renewable energy source project for EEE engineering Modeling and Simulation of a Dynamic Voltage Restorer project Power distribution at NFC project Ultra high speed low power electrical drive system project Communication protocol for co-operative collision warning project Automatic bike controller project 3-phase irrigation water pump controller project Computer Aided design for a pv system and investigation of 3 phase thyristor converter Power supply failure alarm project

Project on solar tracking system for engineering

Our aim is to design the system, which will automatically track the sunā€™s position and accordingly change the direction of the solar panel to get the maximum output from the solar cell. Along with this we are going to make a solar monitoring system using GSM and GPS module.  To implement a solar tracking system which will automatically track sunā€™s position to increase the efficiency of solar system.  The GSM facility is provided within the system which helps the user to monitor the system from anywhere in the world. To get full project click here to [DOWNLOAD]

Advances in renewable energy source project for EEE engineering

The study of renewable energy sources is an important topic in the field of the combustion science. Fuels obtained from bio masses could become a valid alternative to the use of fossil fuels, also in the light of the more and more stringent environmental constraints. In the outline of alternative liquid fuels, oils obtained from the pyrolysis of wood, generated recycling wood industry scraps, appear to be very promising as concerns their use in power plants and diesel engines. However, a commercial use of such "bio-fuels" requires a systematic study of the most suitable procedures for their handling, storage, and use. Emulsions of biomass pyrolysis oil can meet some of the fuel specifications required by the present standards. In this context, it is necessary to assess the combustion property of such kind of fuels prior to their introduction in the market. Aim of this paper is to report some preliminary results concerning the solar,wind,bio-fuels,geothermal energy...

Modeling and Simulation of a Dynamic Voltage Restorer project for EEE

Power quality is one of major concerns in the present era. It has become important, especially, with the introduction of sophisticated devices, whose performance is very sensitive to the quality of power supply that results in a failure of end use equipment . One of the major problems dealt here is the voltage sag. To solve this problem, custom power devices are used. One of those devices is the Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR), which is the most efficient and effective modern custom power device used in power distribution networks. Its appeal includes lower cost, smaller size, and its fast dynamic response to the disturbance. It can provide the most commercial solution to mitigation voltage sag by injecting voltage as well as power into the system. This paper presents modeling, analysis and simulation of a Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) using MATLAB. The efficiency of the DVR depends on the performance of the efficiency control technique involved in switching the inverters...

Power distribution at NFC project for EEE

The power distribution is one of the complex structures. So, in order to study power distribution system we have chosen Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC), Moula-Ali, Hyderabad.  Our project report provides in-depth knowledge of NFCā€™s power distribution network . In addition to that various facts regarding short circuits and other faults are discussed. It also discusses about various method of improving the power distribution quality. Our project report is presented in four sections. One section covers power distribution in NFC, section two gives various ratings of equipmentā€™s, section three deals with various short circuit studies and section four deals with the improvements made for the minimization of losses,  and their analysis. Under section one all relevant topics related to power distribution have been discussed. In the minimization of losses we covered topics like Energy Management System (EMS), power factor control, reduction of harmonics, etc. Click here...

Ultra high speed low power electrical drive system project for EEE

New emerging applications in the areas of portable power generation, small turbo compressors and spindles require the development of ultrahigh-speed, low power electrical drives. A 500000 r/min, 100W electrical drive system is presented. Because of the ultrahigh-speed  requirements, standard machine design and power electronic topology choices no longer apply and the complete drive system has to be  considered. A permanent magnet machine with a slotless litz-wire winding is used, which results in a low motor inductance and a high fundamental machine frequency. Three different combinations of power electronic topologies and commutation strategies have been experimentally investigated. A voltage source inverter with block commutation and an additional dcā€“dc converter is selected as the most optimal choice for the power electronics interface as it results in the lowest volume of the entire drive system due to lower switching losses, no heat sink cooling required, a s...

Communication protocol for co-operative collision warning project for EEE

Our Project proposes a vehicle-to-vehicle communication protocol for cooperative collision warning. Emerging wireless technologies for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications are promising to dramatically reduce the number of fatal roadway accidents by providing early warnings. One major technical challenge addressed in this our project is to achieve low-latency in delivering emergency warnings in various road situations. Based on a careful analysis of application requirements , we design an effective protocol, comprising congestion control policies, service differentiation mechanisms and methods for emergency warning dissemination Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed protocol achieves low latency in delivering emergency warnings and efficient bandwidth usage in stressful road scenarios. The wireless data communication between two vehicles is provided by introducing Zigbee technology. It is designed around low-power consumption allowing batteries to essentially ...

Automatic bike controller project for EEE

The "Automatic Controlled Bike" is designed around the micro-controller. Micro-controller board: It is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 4K bytes of Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory PEROM). The device is manufactured using Atmelā€™s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the MCS-52. Instruction set and pin out. The on chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, it provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution so many  Automatic controlled bike project [DOWNLOAD]

3-phase irrigation water pump controller project for EEE

This project aims in providing a user friendly, reliable and automated water pumping system for illiterates. Now a dayā€™s technology is running with time, it completely occupied the life style of human beings . Even though there is such an importance for technology in our routine life there are even people whose life styles are very far to this well known term technology. So it is our responsibility to design few reliable systems which can be even efficiently used by them. This basic idea gave birth to the  project GSM  based irrigation water  pump controller  for Illiterates and this project aims  in introducing the automation technology into the lives of the illiterates. Click here to get full project for EEE free [DOWNLOAD]

Computer Aided design for a pv system and investigation of 3 phase thyristor converter

PV System and Principle of operation A photovoltaic is a projects for ece cell converts energy from the sunlight into electricity. The radiation from the sun is made up of tiny particles of energy called photons. As these photons impact on the cell, some of them are absorbed into the cell. The energy from the photons on impact causes electrons to be free [2]. The movement of the free electrons is what generates electricity. A PV system is made up of a combination of many cells. Since a PV module is made up of cells combined in series and parallel, the equivalent circuit can obtained by first doing an analysis on a single cell. The equivalent circuit for a PV cell is given below The circuit comprises of a Current source which delivers short circuit current  ISC ,  A shunt diode connected across the current source with current ID  representing diffusion current across the P-n junction and internal series and parallel resistances RS and RSH respectively. Clic...

Power supply failure alarm project for ECE

Most of the power-supply failure indicator circuits need a sepa- rate power-supply for them- selves. But the alarm circuit presented here needs no additional supply source. It employs an electrolytic capacitor to store adequate charge, to feed power to the alarm circuit which sounds an alarm for a reasonable duration when the mains supply fails. Please click here to [DOWNLOAD]