
Make live your website using Aliyun/Alibaba cloud

4 Simple steps to Make live your website using Aliyun/Alibaba cloud: 1.For hosting a live website, you would need to bind your domain to the Alibaba Cloud Server. Go back to your console and click on Addon Domains on the left-hand panel. Enter your own domain name to bind it with the test domain name by clicking OK. 2.Our current resolution status is unresolved as our selected domain is not managed categorically at the DNS level. 3.Visit your domain name registrar to resolve your domain name to * using CNAME. Upon completion, the resolution status will be Resolved. 4.Hit your domain name, and you will be able to see your website homepage. Its easy to build a Website with Alibaba Cloud and Web Hosting

How to Upload Files Using FTP in Alibaba/Aliyun Cloud

There are few steps to upload files using FTP in cloud: 1.We can now manage our web files using an FTP client. We will be using Filezilla as our FTP client. 2.Open Filezilla and enter the Hostname, Username, and Password obtained from the Web Hosting management console to enable a Quickconnect. 3.You will be prompted for a confirmation of an Unknown certificate. Click OK to proceed. Upon confirmation, you will be connected to Filezilla and see all remotely hosted sites. 4.Upload your codebase in the htdocs folder. You can upload static HTML files and dynamic files such as PHP, Wordpress, or Drupal. Here we are uploading an index.php file, which contains phpinfo of our particular website. 5.On the Web Hosting management page, go to Instance Details. Here, we can obtain a test domain name provided by Alibaba Cloud. Note that, this domain name is strictly for testing purposes. 6.When you hit the test domain name, you will be prompted to verify the login and to accept the ter...

How to obtain FTP Credentials in Aliibaba cloud

4 simple ways to obtain FTP Credentials in Aliibaba cloud: 1.Now, go back to the console to find the purchased Web Hosting product. Click on the Web Hosting icon under the Domains & Websites section. 2.Click Manage to view and manage the settings of your hosted website. 3.Go to File Management on the left-hand panel and select Upload Site. 4.On the Upload Site page, you can get the credentials for the FTP or reset the password for the FTP login. Its easy to build a Website with Alibaba Cloud and Web Hosting

Purchasing Web Hosting Product in Alibaba cloud

Again 5 simple steps in Purchasing Web Hosting Product in Alibaba cloud 1.Open your browser and visit Click Buy Now to make a purchase. Note: You may have to change your language preference as the webpage opens. 2.Make an appropriate selection for Version, Data Center, and OS. Choose your desired Subscription Duration and click Buy Now again to proceed. 3.You will then reach the login page of your Alibaba Cloud Management Console. Enter the relevant details to log in into the console and proceed. Review your order and click Place Order upon confirmation. 4.You will be taken to the next page where you can complete the purchase process upon making the payment. 5.With that, you have successfully purchased the Alibaba Web Hosting service. Its easy to build a Website with Alibaba Cloud and Web Hosting

Its easy to build a Website with Alibaba Cloud and Web Hosting

Alibaba Cloud Web Hosting is a flexible and easy-to-use product that allows you to build or transfer a website using FTP. It supports a wide variety of web builders and is ideal for all kinds of applications, from personal blogs to e-commerce websites. This 4 simple steps describes how to build a website with Alibaba Cloud Web Hosting. Prerequisites : You would need to have an FTP client installed. You would also need existing files to be uploaded onto your website. Only 4 steps you need to follow: Step 1: Purchasing Web Hosting Product [Check It] Step 2: Obtaining FTP Credentials [Check It] Step 3: Uploading Files Using FTP [Check It] Step 4: Putting Your Website Online [Check It]

How to update your credit card from within the billing console

In order to improve your Alibaba Cloud user experience, today we have launched a notification system for a credit card expiry date reminder. This will ensure that your service will remain uninterrupted. You can configure two types of email notifications: one for your credit card expiring and one for expiry: Example :   If your default payment method is credit card: Expiry date of your credit card: 10/2017       09/01/2017, 09/15/2017, 09/30/2017: We will send you email notifications notifying you that your credit card is expiring and you cannot purchase Pay-As-You-Go and Subscription-based products and services from the beginning of that month.     10/01/2017: We will send you an email notification informing you that your credit card has expired, and you cannot use that card for already purchased Pay-As-You-Go and the renewal of Subscription-based products and services.     You can update your credit card from within the bill...

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