Advertising and Brand Management Concept-Advertising Department-Formation-Rule and Regulations

Advertising agency play very crucial   role. Each and every  organization presenting & preparing but cost expensive, wastage of time in that manner an independence business form called advertising agency at market place.
Definition of advertising agency:
          Advertising agency is a independent business organization which consists of some creates & business. People who prepare & present advt.  More effectively for the clients seeking for the customers of their respective finished goods & services.
                             ---- AAAA [American advertising agency association]

          The oldest & largest advertising agency in India is Hindustan Thomson association today there are more than 500 advertising agencies in India.
Functional department of advertising agency:
      Contact dept.
      Media dept
      Art & visualization dept
      Production dept
      Copy dept
      Finance dept
      Research dept
      Public relation dept

Contact dept:
          Its objective is attracting the new manufacturers & on the other hand tries to maintain them existing clients/business. The accounts executive is key management of the dept who acts as a by as on between the agency and the clients.
Media dept:
          Media dept choose the channels of communication through which the message is to be carried out to the masses or target consumers.
copy dept:
          advertisement copy is the head of advertising programmed as it contains the themes or message. Copy writing requires the imagination, fair & fluency language and a method of representation the dept. Works closely with the accounts executive and research etc             flair –no in confusion
                   boys – bridge
art and visualization dept:
          The head of this dept is art director. He is assisted by hard disks, layout men and visualizes. The duty of the dept is to get visuals & layouts prepared for press advertising, postures, calendars, painted & other outdoor pieces. They shift be a close association between the dept of art and copy.
Production dept:
          When a copy is ready the agency proceeds to its mechanical production through its mechanical dept. Headed by a director.
Finance dept:
          It is the responsible for maintaining accounts, billing a bills, collection does formats clients verifying the appearance of advt. checking the media invoices against the orders & looking after all the routine matters of accounting recording etc...
Research departments:
          It is engaged to the study of the effects of sales activities at the last point of distribution. The research director takes assistance of analysis, investigators marketing assistants statistical clerks & invincibly. It helps better advertising for clients.
          The contact dept makes extensive use of search research outcome while contacting his clients convince them.
Pubic relation dept:
          The growth & survival of advertising agency depends very much upon the public opinions supports & feelings. It establishes & maintain mutual understanding between the organization & public. It raises morale of the agency personal and the goodwill for the company.
General organization structure:
                                                Board of directors
                                                General Manager

Manager                                  create                    manager 
Client’s                                department              administrator dept
New                merchandising           accounts
Business               man                      executives

Copy                    artist           T.V & video         researcher             production
Writer                            manager                                            manager
Functions of agency:
          there are two create masters who are served by advertising. Agency that is the client & media owners.
Function: for the clients
it replaces the advertising dept
It provides expert view point
For media awareness:
It takes the sales job
It undertakes advertising scheduling
Agency relation:
          Agency relations we mean that  working relations between the agency & the clients media owners certain principles have been evolved by the experts is advertising mgt to have long term sound.
Agent & client:
      Prior approval
      Mutual trust & confidence
Agency & media owns:
      Prior approval
      Terms of preference
      Publish rates
Objective of advertising agency:
          The objective of advertising are boarding concerned with achievement of overall company objectives.
      To introduce new product
      To do the entire selling job
      To build the brand awareness among the public
      To remind users to buy the product
      The neutralize competitors strategy
      The force the middlemen to handle the product
      To improve the immoral of dealers & sales people
      To popularize some change in marketing strategy
      To build brand preference
Functions of advertising:        
          The various function of advertizing may be grouped into
          Primary function
          Secondary function
Primary function:
      To increase the sales
      Help to dealers
      Increase the per capital income
      Receptiveness of new product
      Insurance for manufacturer business
      Confidence in quality
      To eliminate seasonal fluctuation
      Pricing of stand of product
Secondary function:
      To encourage sales man
      To impress executive
      To impress factory workers
      Attaining the feeling of security
      To furnish information
To secure better employees
