Business Law concept company act 1956-MBA study material
A group of
people/combination of people
A voluntary
group of people
for the attainment of a common object
Members of
a companies/promotions/subscribers
Devidable parts of a capital is called shares.
A company means “ A group of peoples/persons associated to
gather for the attainment for the common objective. If a company in corporate
under the companies act 1956, it is known as registered company or incorporated
Definition of a company:
are two concepts in the definition of a company those are
1. A voluntary association of persons.
2. An artificial person.
The company has capital which is
devisable in to parts these parts are known as shares.
It is an artificial person created
by process of low. It has a perpetual succession and a common seal. It doesn’t
have soal it doesn’t have any body it is not visible. It exists only in the
eyes of law.
“L.J.Lindley “ defines a company as an
association of many persons who contribute money to a common stock ant employ
that money in some common trade all
business purpose. They share the profit or loss arising there from. The common
stock is denoted in the capital of the compare the person who contribute it are
known as members. The company. The proportion of the capital is divisible in to
parts known as shares. These shares can be transferable from one person to
another person.
Characteristics of a company:
1. Separate legal entity
2. Limited liability
3. Perpetual succession
4. Transferability of shares
5. Common seal
6. Seperate property
7. Capacity to sue
Separate legal entity:
company has an independent corporate existence the companies money and
properties belong to the company but not to the subscribers. Even through the
subscribers contribute the money. Company is an artificial permission company
is an invisible person company is an intangible persons. It exists only in the
eyes of law.
Limited liability:
companies liability towards its member is to contribute to the assets of the
company in the event of its vending up.
Perpetual(continuous) succession:
A company is a juristic person with a perpetual succession.
The company never dies its life does not depend on the life of its member. It
is not effected by mental disorder or retirement by its members. It is created
by law and can be put an end only by law members may come and go but the
company can go for an ever and till its dissolution.
succession means “ irrespective if change in the composition of its membership.
The company have its continual existence. Its existence is not affected by a
change in its membership”
Transferability of shares:
The capital
of the company is divided into parts known as shares. Subject to the
conditions. These shares can be easily transferable. So that no shareholder is
permanently wedded to company.
seal: Seal official
signature of the company.
The company has no physical existence. It must
act through its agents (representatives) all the contracts entered into by its
agents must be under the seal of the company. The seal acts as the official
signature of the company.
company is a legal person distinct from its members. It is capable of owing,
enjoying, disposing of property in its own name. Even though its capital and
assets are contributed by its members. There are not the real awareness of its
property. The property is control, managed, disposed of by the company only.
Capacity to sue:
company can sue and can be sue on its corporate name.
Types of companies/classification of companies:
Classification on the basis of in
The companies are two types on the basis of
the corporation.
i)statutory company Ex: RBI, SBI,
LIC, IFC, UTI, Railways, RTC
ii)Regd company(incorporated)
i)statutory company:
company are created by special act of the legislation. These are mostly
concerned with public utilities. These companies have national importance
ii)Regd company:
companies which formed and registered under the companies act 1956 are known as
registered companies or incorporated companies. These are the most commonly
found companies.
the basis of incorporation
Statutory companies Registered companies
ii)classification on the basis of
no. of members:
are two types of company which are on the no . of members.
i)public company
ii)private company
On the basis of the no. of members
1.minimum no. of members
2.max no. of members of directors
4.restriction on appointment of
5.restriction on invitation to
subscribe for shares
6.transferability of shares
7.Special privileges
8.quarum (a min no. of be present
at a marketing to make it valid remuneration
-the minimum no. of members
required to start a private company is 2
Should not excluded 50
Must have at least two(2)
The directors need not do so
A private company prohibits such
invitation to the public
In the private company the right
to transfer the share is restricted by its AOA(artificial of association)
A private company enjoys some special
Two members personally present
No such restrictive applicable to
a private company
-the minimum no. of members
required to start a public company is 7
No restriction
Must have at least 3.
Should take the consent of the
register of the company and should sign on the undertaken bond.
A public company can invite the
general public to subscribe for the shares
In the public ltd company. The
shares are freely transferable
A public company enjoys no
Five members personally present
Total marginal remuneration cannot
exceed 11% of the net profits
Formation of a company:
a company is formed certain primary steps are necessary for example weather it
should be a private company or it should be a public company. What is its
capital, how to acquire the required capital. Weather it is worthwhile forming
a new company or taking over the already established company.
the above steps are taken by certain persons known as promoters. They do all
the necessary preliminary work for the formation of a company.
Incorporation of a company:
any public company any if or more persons, for any private company two or more
persons associated for a lawful purpose. The following documents to be filled
with register of a companies.
a company is registered, it is advisable to take the connect from the register
of a company. The name of the company is to be approved. Then the following
documents duty stamped to gather with necessary fee have to be filed with the
Those are
1. The
MOA- Memorandum of association(consists of the names subscribers and signed by
the subscribers)
2. The
AOA – Articles of association
3. Te
agreement (among the subscribers)
4. The
list of the first directors of the company & their written consent with
5. A
declaration (notarized)
Then a notice of the situation of
the registered office of the company who shell the record the same certificate
of incorporation(C.O.I).
the register is satisfied with the compliance report, he registered the MOA,
AOA and he filled the documents with him. The he will issue a certificate of
incorporation i.e formation of a company.
certificate of incorporation is the date of birth of the company. It is the
birth certificate of the company. The register is not required to carry of any
investigation for the issuing of the C.O.I. all the legal characters of the
company these are
1. Separate
legal entity
2. Limited
3. Perpetual
4. Transfer ability of shares
5. Capacity
ot sue
6. Separate
Will be applicable to the company
the time it gets the certificates of incorporation.
promoter is a person who does the recovery preliminary work incidental to the
information of a company. The first persons who control the companies affairs
are known as promoters. The conceives of the company. The take the necessary
step like how much the share capital, how much the loan capital how to acquire
the business when all these things have been done to hand-over the control of
company to its directors.
Functions of a promoter:
1. The
promoter of a company decides its name and make all necessary steps that it
will be accepted by the registrar of a company.
2. He
fames the details of a company MOM, AOA the nomination of directors, bankers, auditors,
secretary and the registered office of the company.
3. He
arranges for the printing of the MOA and AOA
4. He
takes necessary step for the registration of the company
5. If
there is any necessity of public issue the issues the prospectors of the
6. He
is not agent of the company he in not a trusty of the company.
Duties of a promoter:
1. The
promoter must not make either directly or indirectly any profit at the expanses
of the company.
2. The
promoter must give to the company the benefit of any negotiations, contract
into which he enters irrespective of the company.
3. The
promoter must make a full disclosure all the relevant facts with the company
4. The
promoter must make any unfair use of his position statues.
The memorandum of association (the
– life giving document
It is the fundamental document, it
is the character of a company. It is the first document which constitutes the
constitution of the company. It has a great importance in relation to the
proposed company. It has a great importance in relation to the proposed
company. It lays down the area of the operation of the company. It regulates
the external affairs of a company it shows the objects and scope of the formation of the company.
Purpose of MOA:
shareholders out spiders
1.proposed share holders(prospective
share holder) shell now the purpose for which their many is going to be used by
the company and what risk their are undertaking in making investment.
2.The outsiders dealing with the
company shell now about the objects of the company.
contents of MOA:
1. The
name clause
2. The
registered office clause
3. The
object clause
4. The
capital clause
5. The
liability clause 6)The
association clause
The name clause:
name of a company establish its identify and it is the symbol of its existence.
Before going to put a name, the subscribers should take the following
preparations those are
1. Undesirable
name should be avoided in the name clause i.e. too similar to the name of
another company. Including titles should be avoided.
2. As
the word of the name of the company there should be ltd or pvt ltd. Ltd
indicates the public limited company and pvt ltd indicates the private ltd
company and pvt ltd indicates the private limited company.
3. Prohibition
of the use of certain name. The names and emblems of UNO (United nations org),
UNESCO(United nations educational scientific & cultural org) WHO, Indian
national flag, central & state govt emblems, precedent of India and
governance embalm are totally prohibited in the under of companies names.
4. Use
of some key words according to authorized capital.
5. Key word required
authorized capital
UDYOG Rs 1 crores
BUSINESS Rs 10 lakhs
Every company shell paint of affix
its name and its registered office address on the outside of every office are
place in which its business is carry done. The name and regd. Office address
should be mentioned in all business letters. Bill books, negotiable instruments
receipt etc.
The registered office clause:
company should have a registered office from the day on which it begins to
carry on business all communication and notice are to be address to the
registered office if there in any change in the address of the regd. Office it
should be limited to the rest with in 30 day of the data change.
The objectives clause:
objectives of the company shall be clearly set in MOA. The scope of the company
the main objectives of the company the subsidiary objectives of the company the
long-term, objectives of the company the short term objectives of the company
shall be clearly maintain in the objectives of the clause MOA.
The capital clause:
MOA shall state the amount of the share capital with which the company is to be
regd his capital is known as regd capital or authorised or nominal capital
The liability clause
limited liability which the members can only be called up on to pay to the
company at any time.
The association of the clause:
states that we the several persons whole names and address are subscriber or
desirous are being formed in to the company.
respectively agree to take the no. of shares in the capital of the company set
opposite and respectively names
S.No name of the address of the desorption of no of shares
A.S Prasad s/o samba associate 1000
I.T road MBA dept
Vegavaram (A.P)
R.devid s/o agriculture
The MOA shall be named by at least
seven subscribes in the case of public
company by at least two subscribers in the case of private company. The
signature of is subscribers shall be at tested by at least are witness this
witness shall not be any of the other subscribers.
MOA shall be an computer laser printer which should be neatly and legible. It
shall be divided in to paragraphs the paragraphs shall be numbered
consecutively this MOA shall be signed by at least seven subscribes in case of
public company at least two subscribed in case of private company. At last this
complete MOA shall e sent to the register of the company for its conformation
and regd of the company.
The articles of association(AOA):
is the secondary document it is the subsidiary document AOA deals with internal
AOA are the next important documents to the MOA. The AOA are the subordinate to
MOA. The AOA will be control by the MOA is just the rules and regulations for
internal management of the affairs of they company AOA are formed with
objective of carrying out the aims and objectives which are set out in MOA. The
AOA shall not go beyond the MOA.
Contents of AOA:
1. Share
2. Rights
of share holders
3. Issue
of share certificate
4. Lien
of shares
5. Calls
on shares
6. Transfer
of shares
7. Fortitude
of shares
8. Transmission
of shares
9. Alteration
of capital
10. General
body meetings
11. Notion
rights of members
12. Directors
13. Manager
14. Secretary
15. Dividends
16. Accounts
17. Audit
18. Borrowing
19. Capitalisation
of profit
20. Winding
:- in the case of private company the AOA shall restrict the right to transfer
the share. The AOA shall limit the no. ofits members to 50. The AOA shall
prohibit any invitation to public to subscribe for any shares of the company.
Distinction between MOA & AOA:
It is the character of the company
indicating the nature of business nationality of the company capital of the
company. It defines the companies relationship with out side world(external
it is the main document
it defines the scope and
objectives of the company.
it is supreme document
there are strict restrictions for
the conditions with the consent of the company law board some changes or
alterations can be done
are just the rules and regulations for the internal of the company(internal
is a subsidiary documents
are the rules for carrying out the objectives of the company which were setup
in MOA.
is subordinate document
can be altered by a special resolution in the general body meeting of the
Legal effect of memorandum &
The memorandum & articles bind
1. Members
to the company
2. Company
to the members
3. Members
4. Company
to the outsiders
Doctrine of ultra vires:
a company has the power to do all the acts which will be acquired through the
companies act 1956, which will be acquired through its
memorandum(MOA-everything else is ultra vires of the company)
= beyond
The term ultra vires of a company
means that the doing of the act is beyond the legal power and authority of the
company. The purpose of these restrictions is to protect the creditors of the
company. The investors have to know the objects in which their money is to be
employed. Creditors have to ensure that the companies funds are not wasted in
unauthorised activities. The main feature of the doctrine of alternatives is
that a company being a corporate person, it should not be punished for own acts
Doctrine of indoor management:
outsiders dealing with the company are entitled to assume that as for as the
internal procedures of the company are concerned everything has bear regularly
done. They need not inquire in to the regular of the internal proceeding as
required by the memorandum and articles. This limitation to the outsiders is
know as “doctrine of indoor management”
doctrine of indoor management protect the outsider against the company. The memorandum
and the articles are the public documents they are open for inspection by every
body but the details of internal proceedings are not open to public inspection.
An outsider can know the constitution of the company but not what may or may
not have taken place with in the doors that are closed to him.
is offer/invitation to the public
is circular/notice/advertisement
Any notice, circular, advertisement,
document including deposits from the public for the subscription(purchase) of
any shares of a company is known as prospectus. This is an invitation to the
public. It is an offer to the public. A prospectus issued by a company must be
dated & in working this date is taken as the publication date of the
prospectus can be issued by a company only when copy is to the and to the
register. The registration must be made on or before the date of publication.
The copy must be signed by every person who is named as director of the company.
Contents of prospectus:
is the window through which an investor can look into the soundness of the
company. The investor must be given a complete picture of the company through
its prospectus.
Part I
General information:
Name of the company
Address of registered office
Consent of the central govt
Declaration of the general central
List of stock exchange where
application is made for listing of present issue
Date of opening of the issue
Date of closing of the issue
Capital structure of the company:
Authorized capital
Share capital
Size of public issue
Terms of the present issue
Particulars of the issue
Company management and project
Part II:
General information
Financial information
Statutory information
Part III:
Statements bu experts
Kinds of shares:
capital of a company is divided into no. of
equal parts is such part is known as share the owner of such a share is
called a share holder are known as ‘ownership security’.
secure capital by issue of share to the public. They issue different kinds of
shares to secure the capital. The reason is that investor differ in the
temperament(nature of behaviour). Some investors are very cautious. Some
investors are prepared to take reasonable risks. Some investors are prepared to
take great risk.
No risk fixed deposits, NSE, Kisan reasonable risk
mutual funds great risk
share market
So companies issue different kinds
of shares to secure capital from different people of different temperaments.
of shares
Preference shares equity shares deferred shares
Preference shares:
which carry preferential rights with regional to the payment of dividend and
repayment of capital are called preference shares.
shares holders are given to preference those are
1. There
is a preference of payment of dividend
2. There
is a preference in repayment
Capital at the time of liquidation
of the company after outside creditors preference shares capital is returned
preference share holder.
A fixed
rate of dividend is paid on preference shares capital. Preference share
holders don’t have any voting right. They have no role in the mgt of the
continues investors who does not want to take any risk but want some dividend
will be suitable to purchase preference shares.
Equity shares:-/ordinary
equity shareholders are the real owners of the company. They have voting rights
in the meeting of the company. They have a control over the working systems of
affairs of the company. The equity shareholders the rate of dividend is not
fixed. It demands on the profits of the company. When a company makes large
profits, the equity shareholders have a chance to get a large percentage of
dividends up to 20 to 30%.
Equity shareholders take more rule
when compare with preference shareholder. When a company is wound up, equity
shareholders are paid back their capital after preference share holder’s
payment. As a result equity shareholders lose much of their capital in many
cases. They take risk both dividend payment and return of capital payment.
Different shares / renders shares
These shares are usually issued to
the founders (promoters) towards their remunerations for their services so that
shares also known as founder share.
Differed shares holders will get
derived after the payment of dividend to preference shareholders, equity share
holders. They rank last in the payment of dividend return of capital also rank
last when the company is wound up. Differed shareholders will get dividend only
when the company makes huge profits deferred shareholders don’t have any voting
Duties of directors:
A company is an artificial
person created by the low. It has its existence only in the eyes of law it has
no physical existence. It does not have its own body, its own soul. So that it
can not act in its own body. it can act only through its representative known
as directors. The directors are the brain of the company. They occupy a pivotal
position in the structure of the company
The company can act through its
director is a person having control or the direction, conduct, mgt
superintendence of the affairs of the company.
individual can be acted as director’s corporate bodies, associations, firm
cannot be appointed as director of company.
No. of director:
no. of directors in the private company at least two where as in a public
company at least three. The AOA of a company prescribes the maximum minimum no.
of directors. Their appointment, their remuneration qualification, powers,
proceedings will be taken care of through AOA.
The member may be increased or
decreased by an order many resolution of the company in a general body meeting.
Shareholder will appoint the directors in general body meeting through their
Appointment of directors:
the case of public or private company at least 2/3 of the company shell we
liable we to retire by rotation. At the annual general meeting at which the
directors retires by rotation the company may fillup the vacancy. The number my
be increased or decreased by an ordinary resolution of the company in a general
body marketing.
Position of directors:
play so many roles in the administration of the company. He plays an agent
role. He plays a representative role. He plays an representation he plays an
officer role (white collar).
Disqualification of directors:
The following persons are
disqualified the appointment as directors of a company those are
1. A
person of unsound mind
2. An
insolvent person
3. A
person who has been convicted by court of law
4. A
person who is fraudulent by an order of the court
Duties of directors:
The general duties of directors will
be two types.
1. Fiduciary
duties [trust]
2. Duties
of Care, skill and diligence
Fiduciary duties:
The directors must exercise their
power mostly and bonefide for the benefit of the company
They should not use their position
power for their personal interests
They must not make any create profit
of their position
They should perform their duties
with at most suitability
Duties of care, skill and diligence:
Directors should carry out their
duties with reasonable care, skill and diligence.
Directors should use their knowledge
and suitable up to the exportation of the company.
Directors have to attended the board
meeting regularly
Directors should not delegate their
power to other
The copy of the prospectus registrar
of the contracts minutes registrar shall be signed by all the directors who
presented the meeting.
Statutory duties of the directors:
1. Liability
to third party
2. Liability
to the company
3. Liability
for breach of statutory duties
4. Liability
for acts of his co-directors
Liability to third parties:
director will be liable to the third party of the issues of the prospects. At
the repayment of application money if minimum subscription has not been
subscribed, irregular attachment of shares cheques and promissory notes issued
by them.
Liability to the company:
directors are liable to the commonly an there negligence breach of trust.
Wilful misconduct.
Liability for breach of statutory
director should maintain proper accounts filling of it(income tax) returns,
responding towards deferent tax issues in time
Liability for act of his
director is not liable for the acts if his co-directors provided he has no
knowledge and he is not a party.
Winding up:
is a liquidation of a company represents last stage in the life of the company.
It is a proceeding by disposed of the debates is paid off. The surplus if any
is distributed among the members in proportion to their holding in the company.
The two terms winding up and liquidation are used interchangeably.
to proof Gower, winding up of a company is a process whereby its life is ended
and is property. An administrator called
liquidator is appointed by the govt and he takes control of the company he
collects the events of the company he page the debts of the company.
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