Service Marketing concept strategic management
What is Service Marketing:
“Strategy is a unified, comprehensive, integrated plan of action that
relates to the strategic advantages of the firm by challenging it’s
It is designed to ensure that the basic objectives &goals of organization
(or) of an enterprise achieved through proper execution by the organization.
Alfred D.Chandler defines “Strategy as Determining the long term organizational
goals and objectives of an enterprise & adoption of courses of an action
and then allocating resources necessary for carrying out them”
Strategic management:
“Deciding on strategy,
planning how that strategy put into effect”
“Without a strategy an organization
is like a ship without redder going around a circle .Its like tramp. It has no
place to go.”
Strategy is defined Sharpen as “A plan or course of action which is
continuing importance to the organization as a whole”
● Analysis of definitions of strategy:-
● Strategy is a central understanding of the strategic
management process.
● Strategy is the determination of basic long term goals
&objectives of an organization.
● Set a clear direction.
● Allocating the necessary resources for implementing
the course of action.
● Determining the courses of action to attain the
pre-determined goals and objectives.
● Enterprise knows its strengths and weakness compared
with those of its competitors.
● Identify factors in the political & social
environment that requires care full monitoring.
● Need for strategy :-
Strategy is necessary in
view of the following reasons.
● To take high quality project decisions
● To have and develop internal ability to anticipate
● To save time, money & executive talent.
● To identify, develop and exploit potential opportunities.
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