Financial Institutional Service concept-The Non banking financial Institutions
Reserve bank has been provided with statutory frame work to
control credit. The Reserve bank’s powers to control the banking system and
credit are fairly comprehensive.
RBI has
various weapons of control and through using them; it hopes to achieve its
monetary policy. These weapons of control are broadly.
Two quantitative and qualitative controls.
Quantitative controls:-
control are used to control the inflationary credit and indirectly to control
the inflationary and deflationary pressures caused by expansion and contraction
of credit.
control are also known as “general credit control “ and consists of bank rate
policy, open market operations and cash reserve ration etc..
Bank rate policy:-
Bank rate is defined as the standard
rate at which the reserve bank is prepared to by or rediscount bills of
exchange or other commercial papers eligible for purchase.
Open market operations:-
The technique
of open market operations as instrument of credit control is supervisor to bank
rate policy. The need for open market operation was felt only when the bank
rate policy turned out to be a rather weak, instrument of monetary control.
Open market
operation is mainly related to the sale of government securities. Open market
operations are used to provide seasonal finance to banks.
During the
slack reason, banks invest their surplus resources in government securities in
government securities and during the busy reason, they shell the securities.
When commercial banks sell the securities and during the busy season, they sell
the securities. When commercial banks sell the securities and when bank is
improved and they can expand their credit to need growing demands.
Cash reserve ratio:-
CRR is a very
effective instrument of credit control.
Under the RBI act 1934, every commercial bank has to keep
certain minimum cash reserves with RBI initially, it was 5% against demand
deposits and 2% against time deposits. These are known as statutory cash
reserves. Since 1962, RBI was empowered to vary the cash reserve requirements
between 3% and 15% of the total demand and time deposits.
Open market operations:-
The technique
of open market operations as an instrument of credit control is superior to
bank rate policy. The need for open market operation was felt only when the
bank rate policy turned out to be a rather weak, instrument of monetary
Open market
operation is mainly related to the sale of government season, banks invest
their surplus resources in government securities. When commercial banks sell
the securities. When commercial banks
sell the securities and when RBI purchases them, the reserve position of bank
is improved and they can expand their credit to meet growing demands.
Cash reserve ration:-
CRR is very
effective instrument of credit control.
Under the RBI act 1934, every commercial banks has to keep
certain minimum cash reserves with RBI initially, it was 5% against demand
deposits and 2% against time deposits. These are known as statuary cash
reserves. Since 1962, RBI was empowered to vary the cash requirement between 3%
and 15% of the total demand and time deposits.
Statutory liquidity
A part from
cash reserve requirements which commercial banks have to keep with RBI (under
RBI act 1934 all commercial banks have to maintain)(under section 24 of banking
regulation act 1949) liquid assets in the form of cash, gold and unencumbered
approved securities equal to not less than 25% of their total demand and time
deposit liability. This is known as the statutory liquidity requirement. The is
in addition statutory cash reserve requirements.
Selective and direct credit
Generally RBI
uses there kinds of selective credit control.
margins for leading against specific securities.
II. Ceiling on the amount of credit for
certain purpose.
III. Discriminatory rate of interest
charged on certain types of advances.
One form of selective credit control was the credit
authorization scheme introduced by RBI, in November 1965. Under the scheme, the
commercial banks hand to obtain RBI’s authorization before sanctioning and
fresh credit of 1 crore of more to any single party. This was later raised
gradually to 6 crores in April 1986 in respect to borrowers in private as well
as public sector.
Moral suasion:-
A part from
the above mentioned instruments of credit control are designed specifically to
curb excess flow of credit in selected areas without affection other types of
Qualitative controls:-
These are
also known as selective credit controls the qualitative controls are designed
specially to curb excess flow of credit in selected areas without affecting
other types of credit. Quantitative controls include the following measures.
Margin requirements:-
Margins means
the difference between the value of security and the loan advanced suppose the traders
anticipate a rise in the price to rise. They would like to stock rise by taking
loans from the commercial banks for this purpose
Suppose, the
banks keep a margin of 10% it means that against the rise worth 10000/- the
banks can now grant advances worth 7500/- only thus , credit creating power of
the banks but also restrict unnecessary hoarding of essential commodities.
Regular of consumer credit :-
During the inflationary conditions, the
central bank may ask the commercial banks not to grant loan and advances to the
consumer likewise during the business depression the central bank.
Securities exchange board of India[SEBI]:-
The SEBI was
established on April 12, 1988 through an administrative order, but it became a
statutory and really powerful organization only since 1992 through an ordinance
issued on 30th January 1992. The ordinance was replaced by the SEBI
act on 4th April 1992.
The SEBI is under the overall control of the ministry of
finance, and has its head office at Mumbai. It has become a very important
constitute of the financial regulatory frame work in India.
Constitution and Organization:-
The working
of SEBI is managed through its board. The board shall consists of the following
6 member namely-
members nominated by the ministers of the central Govt. Dealing with finance
and law.
member nominated by the reserve bank of India.
members, to be appointed by the central Govt. Who are professionals and have
experience or special knowledge relating to securities market.
Departments of SEBI:-
It has
divided its activities into four operation department namely primary market
department, issue management and Intermediaries department, secondary market
department, and institutional department also headed by officials of the rank
of exchange directors. All these department are sub-divided into divisions each
headed by a division chief with specific responsibilities.
Primary market department:-
market department deal with policies, intermediaries, SRO’s and investor’s
grievance. Further a policy matters and regulatory issues relation to primary
market, market intermediaries, matters pertaining to SRO’s and redressed of
investor grievances are within the preview of this dept.
Issue management and intermediaries department:
It takes care
of vetting of offer documents and other things like registration, regulation
and monitory of issue related intermediaries.
The secondary market dept:
This dept
concerned with the policies operations and exchange administration, new
investment product, price monitoring, market surveillance and insider trading.
Institutional investment dept:
department looks after the mutual funds and foreign institutional investment,
merges and acquisitions, researches and publications ad international
The legal
dept under the supervision of the general counsel takes of all the legal
matters of SEBI.
investigation dept carries out inspections and investigations under the
supervision of the chief of investigation.
Functions of SEBI:
Protection of investors interest:
SEBI frames
rules and regulations to protect the interest of investors. It monitors whether
the rules and regulations are being followed by the concerned parties i.e
issuing companies, mutual funds, brokers and others. It handles investors
grievances of complain against broker, securities issuing companies and other.
Guidelines on capital issues:
guidelines are applicable to
First public issue of new companies.
First public issue by existing private closely held
public issue by existing listed companies.
To regulate working of mutual funds:
SEBI has laid
down rules and regulations to be followed by mutual funds. SEBI has prescribed
the SEBI(mutual funds) regulations, 1993. The regulations are to be followed by
all mutual in India.
Restrictions on insider trading:
restricts insider trading activity. It prohibits dealing, communication or
counselling on matters relating to insider trading. SEBI regulations states
that no insider shall either on his own behalf or on behalf of any other
person, deal in securities of a company listed on any stock exchange on the
basis of any unpublished price sensitive information.
Regulates merchant banking:
SEBI has laid
down regulations in respect of merchant. Banking activities in India. The
regulations are in respect of registration, code of conduct to be followed and
submission of half yearly results and so on.
Regulates stock brokers activities:
SEBI has also
laid down regulations in respect of brokers and such brokers. No broker or sub broker
can buy, sell or deal in securities without being a registered member of SEBI.
Portfolio management:
SEBI also
enacted regulations to regulate the working of portfolio managers. It has laid
down that no person of institution can operate as a portfolio manager with out
the registration. The portfolio manger has to follow the relevant regulations
laid down by SEBI.
To regulate the take overs and mergers:
SEBI has
issued a set of guidelines to protect the interest of the investors in the case
of take overs and mergers.
Research and Publicity:
SEBI also
conducts surveys in respect of investments and opportunities. In 1990-91 SEBI
along with Bombay stock exchange and
others conducted a survey called “survey on Indian share owners”
It publishes
to monthly bulletins called ‘SEBI market review’ and ‘SEBI News letter’
Other functions:
SEBI’s functions
Regulatory Developmental
a. Registration of brokers, sub
brokers and others.
b. Registration of collective
investment schemes and mutual funds.
of stock exchange. Self regulatory
Organization’s (SRO’s)
a. Investors education
b. Training of intermediaries.
of fair products. Code of conduct for regulators organisations
prohibits fraudulent and unfair trade practices relating to securities market.
II. It promotes and regulates self
regulatory organizations
III. It promotes investors education and
also training of intermediaries in securities market.
IV. It conducts inspection, inquiries
and audits of stock exchange and intermediaries and self regulatory organization
in securities market.
SEBI has regional offices at Calcutta, Chennai, and Delhi.
It has also formed two non statutory advisory committees namely, the primary
market advisory committee and secondary market advisory committee with members
from market players, recognized investor associations and other eminent
SEBI is a
member of IOSCO (International organization of securities commissions) an
international body comprising of security regulations from over 100 countries.
It participates in the development committee of IOSCO which provides a platform
from regulators from emerging markets to share their views and experiences.
structure and functioning of unit trust of India and mutual
A mutual fund
is a pure intermediary which performs a basic function of buying and selling
securities on behalf of its unit holders which the latter also can perform that
not as easily, conveniently, economically and profitability.
MF’s proposed
by a sponsor has to be set up as a trust under the Indian trust act 1882. The
UTI how ever was set up a special UTI act 1963. All mutual funds has to be
registered with SEBI.
Mutual funds
or unit trusts are financial institutions which raise money by issuing equity
units or shares and invest the funds so collected in common stock, bonds or
money market instruments essentially they are aimed at the small investor who
does not have the expertise to manage his or her own investment portfolio nor
sufficient capital to effectively diversify the portfolio to minimize un
systematic risk. Thus a mutual fund offers both diversification benefits as
well as investment management expertise.
in which 5 key parties or players or special bodies are involved.
a. The sponsor
b. The board of trustees(BOT)
d. The asset management company(AMC)
unit holder
The UTI was established in 1964 and
had a monopoly of the mutual fund business till about 1986. The total no. of
mutual funds was 32 in 1997 and 38 in 2003. It of them are public sector and
others belong to the private sector.
UTI now has many as 19 associates
group institutions which include UTI securities exchange ltd. UTI bank, UTI
investors securities ltd.
Evaluation of UTI:
MFI has gone through 4 phases of evaluation
1st phase – 1964-86 -- UTI is the monopoly
2nd phase – 1987-92 -- public sector banks and financial
3rd phase – 1992-2003 --
private sector and foreign participation.
4th phase – 2003 -- UTI 1 and UTI 2
Types of mutual funds:
Functional classification:
Open-Ended funds
Under open
ended funds the investors can buy the units of the funds at any time directly
from the mutual fund and can sell to the fund this type of fund is called open
ended because the pool of funds is open for additional sales and repurchase.
Close-ended funds [CEF’s] :
Close end
fund company has a fixed amount for sale of units to investors for a specified
period. After its initial offering the further sales are closed and it cannot
sell any more it growth in terms of no. of shares is limited.
Geographical classification of MF’s:
Domestic Mutual funds [DMF’s]:
If the
mutual funds are issued and operated with in the political territories of
country, they are called DMF’s.
Off shore Mutual Funds [OMF’s]:
Off shore
mutual funds are issued to foreigners they are cross boarder funds issued with
an object of attracting foreign investment.
Portfolio classification MF’s: Depending upon the investment portfolio, there are a large
variety of MF’s.
Money market mutual funds (MMMF’s):
These funds are invested in short term assets such as
certificate of deposits, commercial papers etc..
Dual purpose funds:
Dual purpose funds offer half of the units to those investors
who wish to have regular income and those demand capital gain.
Balance funds:
Those MF’s which invest both in equity and debt are called
balanced funds.
Leveraged funds:
Leveraged funds are borrowed funds such MF’s use borrowed
funds to increase the size of the portfolio.
Real Estate funds:
It is a closed end type of fund these funds invest in real
estate ventures.
Equity funds:
Equity funds are those funds which invest a large share of
investments in equity related investments. These funds have freedom to invest
both primary and secondary markets for equity.
Gilt funds;
Gilt funds invest only in govt. Securities therefore they do
not carry any credit risk. These funds invest in short and long term securities
issued by the govt.
Advantages of mutual funds:
risk in investment
investors in financial planning
the benifits of professional skills
funds are highly liquid
are free from tension and strain
complete information
transaction cost
of mutual funds:
fund investment also carry certain risks
fund companies invest the funds in stock market securities only
funds are unable to design the schemes according to the changing requirements
and demands of investments
mutual fund is unable to introduce the required number of schemes with varied
funds development in India:
MF’s in India
was launched with the establishment of UTI in 1964 under UTI act 1963. This is
the public enterprise allowed to act as financial intermediary to mobilize
savings through the sale of units and to invest these funds in corporate
securities. UTI introduced a number of schemes such as monthly income plan,
children’s plan, equity schemes, off shore funds, India growth fund etc..
1987 – 1993 MF’s industry developed a several banks and private enterprisers
entered into the mutual fund market of India. SBI mutual fund was first non UTI
fund in India. SBI also launched off shore mutual fund in 1988 called Indian
Magnum Mutual Fund, new York. Later Canara bank, Punjab national bank, Bank of India,
Indian bank, GIC and LIC also established MF’s.
1993-99 MF market was open private sector, both India and foreign. During
1999-2005 there was a rapid growth MF market in India.
paper is quite a new instrument in the money market. CP’s are short term usance
promissory notes with fixed maturity issued mostly by leading, nationally
reputed credit worthy and highly rated large corporations. CP’s are introduced
in India 1990’s.
well known names of CP’s are industrial paper, financial paper and corporate
paper. It is a liability of the business or industrial or commercial or
manufacturing concern it is known as industrial or commercial paper. If it is
the liability of the financial company it can be called a finance paper. CP’s
can be issued for maturities between a minimum of 15 days and a maximum upto
1year from the date of issue.
Banking companies, other corporate bodies, Registered or incorporated bodies,
Non Resident Indians [NRI’s] and Foreign Institutional investors[FII’s] etc can
invest in CP’s. However amount invested by single investor should not be less
than 5lakhs face value.
of commercial paper:
are negotiable by endorsement and delivery and hence they are flexible as well
as liquid instruments. CP can be issued with varying maturities as required by
the issuing company.
are unsecured instruments as they are not backed by any assets of the company
which is issuing the commercial paper.
can be sold either directly by the issuing company to the investors or else
issuer can sell it to the dealer who in turn will sell it into the market.
helps the highly rated company in the sense they can get cheaper funds from
commercial paper rather than borrowing from the banks.
and structure of commercial papers in India:
introduction of CP’s in India is the sequel to the work done and the frame work
suggested by the working group on money market in 1987. Subsequently the RBI
announced in March 1989 its decision to introduce a scheme under which certain
borrowers could issue CP’s in the Indian money market. This was followed by an
RBI notification regarding guidelines to issue CP’s which came into effect from
1st January 1990.
private sector or public sector company can issue CP’s provided it satisfies
certain conditions. Any person bank, company and other registered incorporated
bodies as well as union corporate bodies can invest in CP’s.
are issued at a discount to their face value and the discount rate is freely
determined in the market. CP’s are freely transferable and negotiable.
in respect of the sale of CP’s the
guidelines/norms issued by the authorities in respect of the sale of CP’s have
undergone changes over the years. Those which are in force in 1997-98 can be
broadly described as follows.
tangible net worth of the issuing company should not be less than 4crore.
fund based working capital limit of the company should not be less than 4crore.
company can issue CP’s to the extent of 75% of working capital limit.
FIS Unit
– 5
Life insurance & it’s
insurance is a contract for payment of a sum of money to the person assured.
Usually the contract provides for the payment of an amount on the date of
maturity or at specified dates at periodic intervals or at unfortunate death,
if it occurs earlier. Among other things, the contract also provides for the
payment of premium periodically to the corporation by the assured.
insurance in short is concerned with two hazards that stand across the life
path of every person. That of dying permanently leaving a dependent family to
fend for itself and that of living to old age without visible means of support.
Objectives of LIC:
To spread life insurance and provide
life insurance protection to the masses at reasonable cast.
To mobilize peoples savings through
insurance linked saving schemes.
To invest the funds to serve the
best interests of both the policy holders & the nation.
The conduct business with maximum
economy, remembering that the money belongs to the policy holders.
To innovate and adopt to meet the
changing life insurance needs of the community.
To promote amongst all agents &
employees of corporation a sense of pride & job satisfaction through
dedicated service to achieve the corporate objectives.
Various plans of LIC:
Basic life insurance plan:
life assurance plan:
low cost insurance plan where sum assured is payable on death of the life
assured & premium are payable through out life.
Endowment assurance plan:
Under this plan sum assured is
payable on the date of maturity or on death of the life assured if earlier
Both these plans are available with
facility of paying the premiums for a limited periods.
Term assurance plans:
Two-year temporary assurance plan:
assurance for 2 years is available under this plan. Sum assured is payable only
on death of life assured during the term.
Convertible term assurance plan:
provides term assurance for 5 to 7 years with an option to purchase a new ltd
Bima sandesh:
is basically a term assurance plan with the provision for return of premiums
paid on surveying the term.
Bima kiran:
plan is an improved versions of bima sandesh with an added attraction of
loyalty addition in built accident covers & free cover after maturing
provide the policy is then in full force.
plans for children:
children assurance plans are available CDA,CPA, Jeevan Balya, New CDA &
Jeevan kishore.
sukanya is a plan especially designed for girls children’s money back assurance
plan is especially designed to provide for children’s higher educational expenses.
Pension plans:
plans provide for either immediate or deferred pension for life. The pension
payments are made till the death of the annuitant.
Jeevan sarita:
life last survival annuity cum-assurance plan[for husband & wife] where
claim amount is payable partly in lump sum & partly in the form of an
annuity with return of balance sum assured on the death of survivor.
contrast to the direct insurance re-insurance is whole sale business. It arises
out of need to reduce the risk bearind burden by the insuring company. By
sharing the risk with other company.
company can not undertake every risk & it has it’s own capacity. Some time
in the course of business. They may undertake such responsibility where the
risk involved may be two heavy for the company. To safe guard the companys
interest it may insure the same risk with other insurer. This is called re-
insurance is one insurer purchasing the risk from the other insurer, who
insured the risk from an insured. Thus
re-insurance is insurance of insurance. Re-insurer is a secondary insurer of
all primary insurers.
object of re-insurance is spreading the risk it has following features.
It is primarily a whole sale
insurance where one insurance company insures with other insurance company.
The insurance company may insure the
same risk wholly or partially.
The main benefit under these schemes
[ after super annotation at 60 years of age or after 33 years of service] is in
the form of a pension of 50% of the average basic salary during the last 10
months of employement.
Privately administered super
annotation fund:
private sector has kept out in respect of setting up & running of pension
funds. They have been run by the government or semi government organizations
alternatively the employer can have a super annotation scheme with the LIC
& pay suitable contribution for the employees in service for LIC has
introduced 4 pension yojana (VPBY), new jeevan alshay(NJA), new jeevan dhara
(NJD), new jeevan suraksha(NSJ).
any employer set up a privately administered super annotation fund, it is
stipulate that he can accumulate funds in the form of an irrecoverable trust
fund during the employement period of the employee concerned, but when the
pension becomes payable, suitable annuities have to be purchased from the LIC.
Current pension schemes:
Government employees pension scheme:
government employee’s pension scheme (GEPS) which has been made mandatory from
1995. It is a subset of employees provident fund (EPF) it provides
a. Super
annotation pension
b. Retirement
Permanent total disability pension
d. Widow
or widower’s pension
Orphan pension the central
Contributes an amount equivalent to
1.16% of workers salary. The scheme provides minimum pension of 500/- per month
& maximum pension of 60% of the salary. All assets & liabilities of the
while family this GEPS 1995 scheme.
the introduction of this scheme, the employees. Who had enrolled in the LIC
pension schemes will also obtain pension benefits from GEPS, which is also
known as employee pension scheme [EPS] 1995 scheme.
the introduction of the scheme the employees who had.
BEPs & IEPs:
employees pension schemes (BEPS) 199 & insurance employees pension scheme
(IEPS) 1993 are for the benefit of the employees of public sector banks &
government owned insurance companies respectively. They are financed by the
entire employer’s portion of the PF contributions which is 10% of the basic
Defined contribution pension plans [DCPP’s]:
popular in US, do not guarantee the amout of final benefit. Which the employees
would get after they retire. In Dcpp the employee and employer make a
predetermined contribution each year and these funds are invested over the
period of time till the retirement of employee.
Pay As-You-Go pension plan:
most European countries, including france & germany pensions are paid
through pay GPP. Under which the current employees pay a percentage of their
income top provide for the on & this along with the contribution of state
goes as a pension that sustains the older generaton.
Pension funds:
Pension funds have grown rapidly to
become the primary vehicke of retirement benefit of retirement saving &
retirement income in many countries. A
pension plan (PP) is an arrangement to provide income to participants in the
plan when they retire. PP’s generally sponsored by private employers,
government as an employer & labour unions.
Classification of pension plans:
financial intermediary or an organization or a institution, of a trust that
manages the assets & pays benefits to the old & retires is called a
pension fund(PNF).
Defined benefits pension plan:
DBPP, the final pension is pre-defined based on the final salary & the
period of service. Most of the pension plans offered by public sector
enterprises & the government as employer in India. Are of DBPP varity this
type ensures predictable amount of pension to the employ for all the year after
their retirement & it is guaranteed by the state.
firms with DBPP typically establish legally separate trust fund & the
trustees invested employer’s contributions in shares and bonds and other
organizations related to the insurance sector.
IRDA specifies the terms and pattern
in which books of accounts are to be maintained & statement of accounts
shall be provided by insurers & others insurance mediatiors.
It is meant to specify the
proportion of premium income of the insurer to finance policies.
IRDA also specifies the share of
life insurance business & general insurance business to be accepted by the
insurer in the rural or social sector.
Impact of IRDA on Indian insurance
generation of IRDA has brought revolutionary changes in the insurance sector .
in last 10 years of it’s establishment the insurance sector has seen tremendous
growth. When IRDA came into being. Only players in the insurance industry where
LIC & GIC however is last decade 23 new players have emerged in the field
of insurance. The IRDA also successfully deals with any discrepancy in the
insurance sector.
Insurance regulatory &
development authority:
regulatory & development authority is under govt of India. In order to
protect the invest of the policy holders & to regulate promote & ensure
orderly growth of the insurance industry. It is basically a ten members team
comprising of a chairman, 5 full time members & partime members all
appointed by “govt of India”.
organization came into being in 1999 after the bill of IRDA was passed in the Indian
Power & function of IRDA:
It issues the applicants in
insurance are a certificate of registration as well as renewal modification,
withdrawl, suspension or cancellation of such registrations.
It protects the interest of the
policy holders in any insurance company in the matters related to the
assignment of policy.
IRDA is also entitled to for asking
information undertaking inspection & investigating the audit of the
insurers, mediators, insurance intermediaries.
It is the most international segment
of the insurance business.
The objective of re-insurance is to
safeguard it’s interest by sharing the risk with others.
Re-insurance can be applied to all
kinds of insurance.
Re- insurer is not liable to insured
because there is no contract between insurer & the insured.
Re-insurer pays the claim only when
the insurer pay to the insured.
Re- insurer is subject to all the
conditions in the original policy. It is co existence with the original policy.
If original policy comes to and end,
the policy of re-insurance also comes end.
Types of re-insurance:
proportional from of re-insurance
non—proportional form of
Proportional form of re-insurance:
In this method amount retained
amount ceded will represent the fixed share of risk, covered by the direct
insurer. This method is 2 types.
quota method of re-insurance share
surplus method of re-insurance
Quota method of re-insurance:
this method the ceding office is bound to re-insurance such proportions of
every risk as per the agreement.
Share surplus method of
a risk is proposed the ceding office has a free choice with in the liability
specifie in the agreement.
Non-proportional re-insurance:
ceding office will under write it’s retention as a form of firs loss insurance.
It bears losses up to certain figure, there are different types of
non-proportional re-insurance. Such as excess of loss method excess of loss Raton
method, pools method of re- insurance etc.
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